"'I Just Love to Watch Her Dance' is a McGuffin: it starts off a gentle acoustic piece, quickly shifting gears to sound like new your favorite track off Rhino’s Nuggets II: British Empire and Beyond. Its virtues are myriad, but again: those vocals, that astounding guitar work, those drums. Just… wow." -- Bill Kopp, Musoscribe, contributing editor at Goldmine: The Collectors Record and CD Marketplace, and Jazz & Prog Editor at BLURT magazine.

"An immediate standout. Carson’s drums explode at the 24 second mark, catapulting it into the stratosphere. As the kids on American Bandstand might say, it’s got a good beat and it’s easy to dance to." - Richard Rossi, Power Pop News

"We've played "I Just Love To Watch Her Dance" several times, making it our pick hit." - -- Carl Cafarelli, Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do), This is Rock 'n' Roll Radio  and former Goldmine Magazine contributor.

  Futureman Records


How many times I've seen her, music waterfalling past me
Sounds like rain, washing every bit of sadness from her face
No one at all beside her, moving in the corner
Breathes in every sound, holds it in and breathes it out again
And dances out of my life and then she reappears
I'll never know her name
But I just love to watch her dance

Who does she dream, I wonder ? Secrets locked inside those eyes and
Who is the guy that gets to ask her all those questions anyway?
What kind of world she moves in
When she's not moving to music
So many things I'd rather leave to my imagination

And so she dances out of my life and then she reappears
I'll never know her name
But I just love to watch her dance

She makes me want to sing
I make her want to dance
Was there ever such a perfect thing?

She dances out of my life
and then she reappears
I’ll never know her name
And I just love to watch her dance

Music: Stoeckel
Lyrics: Stoeckel
Stoeckel: lead vocals, acoustic guitar, keyboards, bass
Gordon: backing vocals, vocal arrangement
Carson: drums
Tinnel: electric guitar

Mix: Stoeckel
